Be Part Of The
Cream Team

The Ice Creamers United mission focuses on the belief that every person can live a healthier and happier life by having a deeper understanding of the pleasures of ice cream in all flavors and styles.

The tenants of membership

  1. We admit that we are powerless over ice cream and cannot control theirresistible happiness it brings.
  2. Ice cream is always on our minds, if we are not eating ice cream, we arethinking of eating ice cream.
  3. As True lovers of Ice Cream we consider ourselves part of the “Ice CreamNation”.
  4. When we enter an Ice Cream store we not only rate the store based on thequality of the Ice Cream, but also on how it is decorated and much it makesus feel like a kid again.
  5. We agree that all types of ice cream, including soft serve, vegan ice cream,gelato, are part of the ice cream continuum.
  6. While some of our auxiliary members are not true lovers of Ice Cream wevow to treat them withcourtesy and respect no matter how crazy we thinkthey arebecause we do understand that ice cream brings happiness.

The levels of membership


Level One
  • Willingly and actively suppor the ICU mission
  • Likes and talks positively about ice cream always
  • Carries ICU membership card at all times


Level Two
  • Talks about ice cream enthusiastically
  • Has a favorite scoop at home
  • Never runs out of ice cream in home freezer


Level Three
  • Maintains abundant inventory of ice cream in home freezer
  • Almost always selects ice cream over all other deserts when given a choice
  • Ice cream factory tours remains high on the bucket list
  • Has various articles of clothing supporting ICU and Ice Cream consumption


Level Four
  • Consumes ice cream at any hour of the day and most days of the week
  • Scans the ice cream aisle during every grocery store visit
  • Passionately verbalizes and gets excited when talking about ice cream
  • Ice cream radar is always on, working 24/7
  • Remains a purist when it comes to ice cream consumption meaning sundae’s, banana splits, ice cream cake and even cones will be eaten but multiple scoops in a dish provoke as much irresistible happiness


Level Five
  • Supporting friends who help with the success of ICU while not as passionate about ice cream, perhaps choosing other forms of oral pleasure to achieve irresistible happiness
Become A Member